Using BoardGames Dominoes

How To Start a New Dominoes Game

When starting a new dominoes game you will see the dominoes options:

Customizing the Dominoes

After the dominoes have been created you can change them by selecting DOMINOES ¦ CHANGE DOMINOES from the menu. You will see the same options available when creating a brand new dominoes game. If you make a selection requiring a different amount of dominoes than are currently on the table, (i.e. change from double-9 to double-6 or vice versa), the current dominoes must be deleted first. However, you can change the image on the back of the dominoes without deleting the existing ones.

All of the Dominoe Commands

The following commands are available once the dominoes have been created. These commands are all accessed through the DOMINOES menu or by Right-Clicking a dominoe. Note that each command has a keyboard shortcut. Once you learn the keyboard shortcuts, you will increase your speed of play considerably !

TIP: Use care when performing an action that affects all of the dominoes, if a game is in progress all of the dominoes on the table will get scrambled.

Playing a Dominoes Game

Create a new set of dominoes, choosing double-9 or double-6, and a custom image for the back of the dominoes if you wish. Shuffle the dominoes using the DOMINOES ¦ SHUFFLE menu command. All players should choose a dominoe. The person with the highest total number of spots gets to go first. If playing with double-nine dominoes, each player should draw seven dominoes and place them in their hand by selecting them and choosing DOMINOES ¦ PLACE IN HAND from the menu. If playing with double-six dominoes, each player should place five dominoes in their hand.

Dominoes Basics
Each domino is divided into two ends, each containing a set of dots. The player who draws the highest double domino places it in the center of the table to begin. If no double is drawn, all dominoes are returned to the table and shuffled and redrawn. The second player tries to match one of their dominoes to one end of the double. For example, if the first domino played is a double seven, the second player may add any domino with a seven on one end. The next player may play to the double seven or they may try to match the end of the second domino played. Blanks are matched to blanks. Only one domino may be played per turn. Dominoes are placed lengthwise end to end, except in the case of a double, which is placed sideways. A double forms a branch and either end can be played upon.

If a player cannot match any open end of a row, they must draw from the pile until they are able to play. Should the last domino be drawn with no play possible, the player passes and tries again next turn. A player must play a domino if they are able. Doubles are always placed at right angles, thereby giving two new directions for continued play.

Play proceeds until one player has used all their dominoes or until no one can play. The player with no dominoes or with the least number of dots on their remaining dominoes wins the round.

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